Opening Hours
Box Office opening hours
Mermaid Arts Centre Box Office is open 11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday and until 8pm on performance nights.
Box Office can be contacted on 01-2724030 or
Gallery opening hours
Mermaid's gallery is open 11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday and later on performance nights. Admission is free.
Café opening hours
Il Fico at Mermaid
The café at Mermaid Arts Centre is open.
We are thrilled to welcome Il Fico to Mermaid. Il Fico is the team behind 31 Lennox in Portobello and has opened its doors at Mermaid to share their culinary delights.
Il Fico café at Mermaid Arts Centre is open seven day a week
8.30am to 11.30am breakfast menu
11.30am to 4.30pm lunch menu
Coffee and tea served until 5.30pm
Pre-show and interval drinks bar opens 1 hour before show starts (no hot beverages)