Mermaid 21st Birthday

Pay What You Can

Pay What You Can allows you to choose the price point that best suits you. We have highlighted the recommended ticket prices for the events, however you can choose to pay more or less than the recommended price.

As a celebratory gesture, Mermaid Arts Centre is introducing a special pricing initiative – Pay What You Can. This is Mermaid’s birthday gift back to the people of Wicklow who have supported the arts centre so strongly over the last 21 years.

It is hoped that the initiative will enable more people to attend a wider range of events and inspire broader participation in the arts by allowing attendees to contribute an amount that suits their individual budgets.

By spearheading this Pay What You Can initiative, Mermaid Arts Centre is paving the way for a more inclusive cultural scene in Wicklow, ensuring that everyone can experience the joy of live performances, workshops, and exhibitions.

All our Pay What You Can Events can be found here