Paul Timoney
Join us in Mermaid’s Gallery for a wonderful exhibition of storytelling creativity!
Since the start of term Paul Timoney, our Storyteller in Residence, has been facilitating a series of creativity workshops with pupils from North Wicklow Educate Together Secondary School. The focus of these workshops was exploring the idea of repurposing materials and items to give them a new life. The result is a colourful, magical and very unique story-themed show.
In THE MUSEUM OF MADE UP STUFF participants were given ordinary objects and recycling materials and then asked to use their imaginations to create a variety of new, imaginative and novel functions, based on their shape, appearance and attributes. The pupils worked both individually or in groups to create a piece along with drawings to explain their favourite ideas. All the objects, writings and illustrations are brought together to form an unusual museum in Mermaid’s gallery.
And alongside the gallery show for us humans, there is also an exhibition for cats…. Because why not?