Liz Weir & The Children from St. Kieran's NS Present Tales Along the Road

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We are delighted to have partnered once again with dlr Libraries to run a series of workshops in St. Kieran's School, Bray.

The children are natural storytellers and award-winning teller Liz Weir MBE along with guest artists Thomas McCarthy and Oein de Bhairduin and will be celebrating Traveller culture and encouraging a love and appreciation of stories. The children will have the chance to enhance their talking and listening skills, to hone their natural storytelling skills and to collect stories from their families and communities.

The workshops will take place across all class levels during October and November and will culminate in two performances where they will share their stories and songs.

This project includes a visit and rehearsal in dlr LexIcon, Dun Laoghaire in October and then during YARN the children will take to the stage at Mermaid Arts Centre to showcase their storytelling skills. Why not join us for Tales Along the Road on Monday 11th November at 11am, admission is free, but booking is required.
