Bray One Act Drama Festival

Bray One Act Drama Festival will be bringing a wonderful mix of comedy and drama to the Mermaid stage. Performed by both newcomers and seasoned performers, these plays are guaranteed to provide 5 nights of entertainment, with all proceeds going to charity. Our nominated charity is the Wicklow Hospice. 

This year we are delighted to welcome Geoff O’Keeffe back to the Festival as our adjudicator, and of course, the loyal Festival audience who support the Bray One Act Festival each year. To banish the January blues join us in Mermaid for a week of varied and exciting drama.

Tuesday 28th January  |  7.30pm

Salomé: Ardclough Youth Theatre (tragedy by Oscar Wilde)

The Dream Collector: Bray School of Speech & Drama (drama by Fin Kennedy)

Queens: East Glendalough School (drama by Kristen Doherty)

Wednesday 29th January  |  7.30pm

Hey Hun!: Byron Hayes Theatre Group (comedy by Byron Hayes)

Willow: Balally Players (drama by Catherine McKiernan)

No Place: 
Sandyford Little Theatre (comedy by Aoife Meagher)

Thursday 30th January  |  7.30pm

Millennial League: An Aois Nua (drama by Ann Murphy)

The 39 Steps, Even More Abridged: St. Patrick's Dramatic Society (comedy adapted by Patrick Barlow)

Grimstone Halt: Delgany Dramatic Society (drama by Peter Robbie)

Friday 31st January  |  7.30pm

Lucy in the Sky: Delgany ICA (drama by Tony Layton)

The Book Club of Little Witterington: Ashford ICA (comedy by Joan Greening)

Surface Beauty: Dalkey Players (drama by Simon Cunningham)

Saturday 1st February  |  7.30pm

Potential: Square One TG (comedy by Noelle Clarke)

Missing the Point: Lilliput Players (drama by Lua McLlraith)